
You Must Train Your Employees

Management training the employees

Once you have gone through the process of outsourcing a staff member, the next step is to train your new staff member.


Why training is essential 

Training is an essential stage to building a trusting and great working relationship with your new employee. It is important that you allocate time and effort in the training process. If this is done successfully you will have great success working with your new employee which will ultimately have a positive effect on your business.

As an employer, is important that you train your new employee with the correct knowledge on the aspects of the role and your business. We can guarantee that our recruitment and onboarding process is excellent, so the new employee will be equipped to get started, however, with your help with training It will help maximise the effectiveness and efficiencies of the role.


Areas of training

This would include providing the new employee with a clear understanding of the tasks to do the job and the tools and software they need to be familiar with. Being very clear about what you need from them will help them keep up with the demands of your business. Take the time, have patience and understanding, and you will be rewarded through an engaged and hard-working employee well after the training period is finished.

Here are some useful tips that will help you achieve an effective relationship with your new employee and maximise the training experience.


Prioritise your needs

You have decided to outsource an employee because you have seen a need in your business to do so. Before you let your new employee start, you need time to train and familiarise them with all the relevant aspects of your business. It’s part of the process.

Take the time to set a plan, prioritise and decide the areas that you need help with and what role/s you can outsource.

Once you have decided that you can plan what training tools you need and what software you can train the new employee on.

There are some great sites you can get online education through for your new employees. Here are two that may help. Udemy and LinkedIn learning page. They both serve as great tools.


If this is your first time outsourcing a new employee, there is no need to fret. It is very much like training an on-site employee, the only difference is they are probably thousands of miles away. Communication is critical for success.

Be sure to manage an effective plan of action when it comes to deadlines, workloads and meetings. When you are on a constant and fixed schedule, you can plan your goals adequately and save time and effort on both parts.

You need to make use of all the messaging tools such as Skype, WhatsApp, Google Chat or any tool that will help you communicate efficiently and effectively. There are also a variety of project management tools that can help communication such as Basecamp, Asana and Trello. A key learning is it’s best to stick to one messaging software and one project management tool to make it easier to organize all communication.

Establish Clear Goals

Establish clear goals for your new employee and maintain focus on them always. You need to explain how they fit into your business, what their specific role is and how their role/tasks can lead to your business’s success. When they understand the “Why” of the entire process, they can simply function because they know and perceive how things are ticking.

The benefit the new employee gets from you explaining your goals and objectives will give them confidence in whatever task you may assign to them.

Continue to build and train your new remote worker(s)

Training should never end as you and your business are constantly developing. Always keep your new employee up to play on the developments in your business. Continue to train and provide learning opportunities. This will help build the capability of your new employee and improve their functionality and ultimately lead to your business’s success.

Learn more about how we can help you with outsourcing and training new staff members.